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Charged particles trajectory tracer for QuickField

This Excel VBA script calculates and displays the charged particle trajectory in the static electric or magnetic field. Trajectory is displayed in QuickField postprocessor window as a contour, and Excel document automatically generates the plots of trajectory projections on XY, YZ and XZ planes.
To use this script:

  1. Open the QuickField problem (Electrostatic or DC Magnetic) which simulates the needed field distribution and click on "View field picture" button to activate the results window.
  2. Open the Excel document (if you see the Security Warning - enable the macros) and in the worksheet "UI":
    1. Adjust the initial parameters of the charged particle. You may set the mass, charge, initial position and initial speed. Make sure that the initial position corresponds to QuickField block where permeability (electric or magnetic) is as in vacuum.
    2. Adjust the settings for trajectory integration. You may choose the time step, and turn on or off the enforced energy conservation algorithm for magnetic field (it may improve the accuracy on larger time steps).
    3. Click on "Euler integration" or "Leapfrog integration" button.
  3. The trajectory will be calculated and results will be displayed in QuickField postprocessor as a contour (showing the trajectory projection on the model cross-section showed on screen), and in Excel worksheet "UI" where the plots of trajectory projections on XY, YZ and XZ planes will be drawn. Detailed table of results is will be generated in the worksheet "Table".

See examples:
Charged particle trajectory in the uniform static electric field. Case: plane-parallel
Charged particle trajectory in the uniform static electric field. Case: cylindrical
Charged particle trajectory in the uniform static magnetic field. Case: plane-parallel
Charged particle trajectory in the uniform static magnetic field. Case: cylindrical

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