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Heat losses through windows

QuickField simulation example

Calculation of the heat insulation of the building walls is an important stage of the design process. Additional heat losses arise from the thermal conductive inclusions such as underfloor bridging, window slopes, balcony plates, brackets of the system of the insulation facing and the other essential elements of the facade.
It is necessary to calculate these losses for accurate determination of the overall thermal resistance value.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of heat transfer.

Heat losses through windows Calculate additional heat losses per length through the window slope for the monolayered brick wall and for multilayered modern construction Cement Brick Wood Glass +20 °C -32 °C Aerated concrete Insulation Cement Wood Foam Plaster Glass +20 °C -32 °C

Temperature inside the room: T1 = +20 °C;
Temperature outside the room (ambient air): T2 = -32 °C.

Layer, material (Layer
Cement 0.015 1800 0.93
Brick wall
Brick 0.64 1800 0.81
Modern construction
Aerated concrete 0.3 400 0.15
Insulation Rockwool FACADE BATTS 0.13 145 0.048
Plaster 0.12 1800 0.81

Calculate additional heat losses per length through the window slope for the monolayered brick wall and for multilayered modern construction.

Temperature distribution in the wall.
heat losses of the window block

Heat flux [W/m] through:

Total [W/m]
Wall Windows reveal Thermal-conductive inclusions
Monolayered brick wall 22.5 (49%) 17.1 (38%) 5.9 (13%) 45.5
Multi-layered modern construction 5.0 (42%) 4.3 (36%) 2.5 (21%) 11.8

* Reference: D.V.Kraynov, I.S.Safin, A.S.Ljubimcev, Calculation of additional heat loss through heat-conducting inclusions (on the example of window reveal), Magazine of Civil Engineering, #6 (16), 2010. - p. 17-22.