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TOKAMAK solenoid mechanical stress

QuickField simulation example

The central solenoid of the ohmic heating system for a TOKAMAK fusion device.

Problem Type
Axisymmetric multiphysics problem of DC magnetics coupled to Stress analysis.

TOKAMAK superconducting solenoid The solenoid consists of 80 superconducting coils fixed in common plastic structure. Cooling duct Conductor Plastic 360 mm Ø 40 mm Ø 156 mm

Current density in coils j = 3·108 A/m²;
Magnetic permittivity of plastic, coils and liquid helium inside coils μ = 1.

Copper of coils:
Young's modulus E = 7.74·1010 N/m²;
Poisson's ratio ν = 0.335;
Maximum allowable stress: 2.2·108 N/m².

Plastic structure:
Young's modulus E = 2·1011 N/m²;
Poisson's ratio ν = 0.35;
Maximum allowable stress: 109 N/m².


The solenoid consists of 80 superconducting coils fixed in common plastic structure. Due to mirror symmetry one half of the structure is modeled.

The Coupl4MS.pbm is the problem of calculating the magnetic field generated by the solenoid, and Coupl4SA.pbm analyzes stresses and deformations in coils and plastic structure due to Lorentz forces acting on the coils.

Magnetic flux density distribution in TOKAMAK solenoid:
Magnetic flux density distribution in TOKAMAK solenoid

Mechanical stress distribution in TOKAMAK solenoid:
Mechanical stress distribution in TOKAMAK solenoid